Pastor Jean from Saudi Arabia has been blessed with many different gifts and anointing due to the many years that she has walked with God and has shown to be honorable for Him. She will be the first to tell you it has nothing to do with her ability but rather due to the filling of the Holy Spirit and her obedience to the word of God. She has partnered with our loving FATHER by surrendering to Him EVERYDAY as He has molded her and therefore He has rewarded her with more of Him to be used for the building of His Kingdom right here on earth. She is a teacher, preacher, evangelist, and missionary and powerful is her middle name . She is the Director of Evangelism and the instructor for the CGLC (Cell Group Leaders Class) which is an online classroom which teaches according to the G12 methods how to find disciples and how to be AMBASSADORS for our Savior Jesus Christ. Last week’s class was entitled, "METHOD OF EVANGELISM" which discussed private witnessing and mass witnessing. Click here to listen now . This Thursday at 7:30am (USA) CT, 3:30pm (SA), 7:00pm (IND) and 8:30pm (PHIL) in the Holy Tabernacle,ppatw she will teach her next class entitled, "MINISTERING BY ANOINTING". Come and learn how to truly represent our Savior and Lord so that others can have the joy that we have. All are invited saved and especially unsaved!!!
We are so blessed to have our ADM HEAD Sis Katy back who is in charge of the mailing, editing and website. We will elevate two others from our pool of staffs who are passionate lovers of Christ to be also ADM HEADS to help Sis Katy as they will be Dept Heads and share the responsibility with her and complement our EXEC HEAD ADM Sis Che. We are also training our EXE HEAD Sis Che to elevate her to be the GM (General Manager) who has two secular jobs yet there is no other more dedicated and motivated to do their best for the Lord. Our Father has taught us about rewarding and although He is not a respecter of persons for in His eye we are all equal but He does search the earth to and for looking for those who are diligent and persistent in their pursuit in getting to know Him. We too are rewarding and elevating our consistent ones and want to also thank God for Sis Milagros who is learning to be a Missionary and already a PPATW Ministry Partner and has been elevated to a HEAD OF MINISTRY due to her enthusiasm for the Lord and her dynamic spiritual growth. Lastly, we want to thank the Lord for adding two more full time staffs, Sis Joy, who her name alone will tell you about her love for the Lord and Sis Oren, who with her angelic voice has always been with us and made it official just recently and also celebrated a birthday on Wednesday. We also have a new part timer in Africa Bro Lionel and we thank our loving Father in heaven for bringing us those who are EXCITED to be used by Him through PPATW.
There are no words to describe the teaching we received in the Holy Tabernacle with PPATWs Bible Study from our own Ptr Jeff Queen who is co-founder with God being the founder of this powerful ministry for Him. Ptr Jeff who is also our spiritual leader who is FULL of the Holy Ghost and leads by example and even though he has two secular jobs, he is present at every BS, CGLC, staff and head meetings. He pours all of his time, love and effort into PPATW because he believes in the vision that God gave him and it is God who provides for this vision in ALL ASPECTS! His teaching was entitled "THE HOLY SPIRIT AWAKENING" and be heard by clicking here Is it possible to see things with your spiritual eyes that your physical eyes cannot? Is it possible to see through all of the deception and lies of Satan? Is it possible to look at the things that are happening in the world today and the people all around you and know that there is spiritual warfare EVERYWHERE!? The answer to these questions is simply YES! If you are spiritually awaken by the Holy Spirit. This Saturday, September 24, 2011 in the Holy Tabernacle,ppatw at 8:30am (USA) CT, 4:30pm (SA), 8:00pm (IND) and 9:30pm (PHIL) Ptr Carmelo from the Philippines will teach his lesson entitled, "TRUE IDENTITY IN CHRIST" and it promises to be an incredible lesson analyzing why many Christians find identity in their pastor or in their church when there should be a reflection of Christ in the mirror of their soul.
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