We are calling all prayer partners to please pray for the PPATW Vice President, Bro Gary, who is in the hospital right now. We appeal to all saints that you would join us in prayer as we lift up our beloved brother in the Lord for complete healing and restoration on his health in Jesus’ Name.
What an incredible Bible Study we had last Saturday by Ptr Jeff Queen with the message entitled “THE RAPTURE- DON'T GET LEFT BEHIND!” which you can listen now in this link http://sermon.net/ppatw/sermonid/2677244 . It was so powerful how the Lord spoke to us through His word in this message reminding us that the end times are coming and soon it will be here! Yes, there is no joke about this! Later in the message Ptr Jeff challenged all of us if are we truly ready to meet our King and Groom Jesus Christ. Do we realize that soon in a blink of an eye the rapture will happen and are we going to be one of those who will be taken into the air to be with our Lord Savior?
The upcoming Bible Study this Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 8:30 AM-CST (USA), 4:30 PM (SA), 7:00PM (IND) and 9:30 PM (PHIL & CHINA) in the Holy Tabernacle (PPATW's conference room http://members.conferencetm.com/conference,ppatw ), will be shared to us by Ptr. Carmelo Procianos, a ministry partner of PPATW from Lanao, Philippines. He will lead us in a message entitled "SPIRITUAL CAPACITY"that will teach us as children of the Almighty to remain in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit. Though we are in this flesh, we are already crucified in Christ Jesus and so this worldly flesh is already dead and no longer has dominion over us! Come join us and let us study together the Word and have fellowship with one another as one Body of Christ. Be there and be blessed! www.ppatw.com
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